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Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Get involved in the running of your association

Usually held in October or November, the TSAA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an opportunity to become involved on a number of levels with the association.  The AGM is held online (via Zoom) and is open to all members to attend.  Eligible memberships are entitled to one vote per membership.  As well as the legal requirements of the AGM listed belong, we usually also have a guest speaker for the night.

An AGM is a meeting of the members of an incorporated association required to be held within six months after the close of the association's financial year.  

The business of an AGM is normally to:

  • confirm the minutes of the last AGM and of any special general meeting held since that meeting,
  • receive, from the committee, reports on the activities of the association during the last financial year,
  • elect office bearers and ordinary members of the committee, 
  • receive the association's financial statements (this must be done at the AGM and may not be done at any other general meeting), and 
  • conduct other business of which notice has been given to the members.

An AGM must:

  • if required, elect new committee members and possibly new office-bearers, that is, the president, vice president, treasurer and Secretary – if no Secretary is appointed the public officer will hold the position for the following 12 months, and 
  • report to members on the year’s activities, including financial performance and events.

AGMs will also usually:

  • decide on any proposed changes to the association's constitution, and 
  • discuss any significant issues relevant to members.

If you are considering nominating for a Committee position at the next AGM, please read the role of the Committee under the Incorporated Associations Act (2009) and the TSAA Committee position descriptions.  You may also like to complete the free Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission elearning module for Charity Committee members to better understand the role of a Committee Member prior to nominating.

Become an advisor

If you are unable to take on a position as a Committee member, but feel that you have valuable skills that can assist in the management and/or policy and strategy of the TSAA, please contact the TSAA President to discuss an advisory or pro-bono role.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting - 10 October 2024

Committee Position Descriptions

The positions on the committee are:

  • Executive Committee (Office Bearers) - President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, and 
  • Up to six (6) General Committee Members.

The position of Public Officer is appointed by the Committee.

Details of the roles and responsibilities of the Committee in general and each position can be found here.

An image of two hands reaching towards each other with the TSAA logo and the words "Make a difference and join our committee"

Nominate for a Committee position

If you wish to nominate for a Committee position, you must use the nomination form.  As per the rules of the TSAA’s constitution, all nominations for committee positions must be supported by two (2) other current members of the Association. If you are having difficulty finding two people to support your nomination, please contact the Secretary.

Completed nomination forms are to be delivered to The Secretary at least 7 days before the Annual General Meeting at which the election is to take place on 10 October 2024. You may deliver the signed form as a photograph or scan of the completed form.

Nominations are due to the Secretary no later than 3 October 2024.

Next Annual General Meeting

TS Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia

Copyright Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc.

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia Inc. is a registered Australian Charity

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